Category Archives: Yemen

Yemen Closes Main Crude Oil Pipeline After Bomb Attack

After saboteurs of unknown identity blew-up a main crude oil export pipeline in Yemen on Thursday, officials were forced to close it down. This is only the latest attack in what has become a regular event along the Maarib pipeline. Before the attacks began in 2010 the pipeline used to carry about 110,000 barrels per… Continue Reading

Saleh Sails Away

Ali Abdullah Saleh was released from hospital yesterday.  He was there for over 2 months, following the bombing of Sanaa, his official residence.  He will not be returning there but will stay in Riyadh. It is intended that this will be a temporary stop for him, as he continues his recuperation. Saleh has had a… Continue Reading

Car Bomb in Yemen Kills British Citizen

According to witnesses in Yemen’s southernmost port city of Aden, a car exploded after a man entered the car and turned on the motor. A person passing by the area was also badly injured in the explosion. The explosion occurred in an area known as Moalla, not far from a hotel which is the headquarters… Continue Reading

Yemen in Turmoil After President Injured

Yemini President Saleh Injured On June 3rd the president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh was seriously injured in what appears to have been a bombing on the presidential palace. The following day Saleh, aged 69, was evacuated from the capital of Yemen, Sanaa, and transported to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment. He apparently suffered critical… Continue Reading

World Bank Takes Optimistic View towards Mideast Upheaval

Long Term Positive Prospects The World Bank released a report on Tuesday saying that despite the short-term downward movement of Middle Eastern and Northern African economies, in the long run the world can expect to see positive movement in that region. The report is the World Bank’s regional economic update for May 2011 for the… Continue Reading

Gaddafi Succeeds in Fight for Sirte

Reversing gains made by rebels in the past several weeks after NATO forces gave air support to Libyan rebels; Gaddafi’s loyalist forces took Sirte, Gaddafi’s hometown, in their continuing advance east, blocking the way of the rebels’ westward push. Rebels were forced back to Bin Jawad, a town which they had taken on Monday, and… Continue Reading

South Yemen Not Happy With Unification

Discussions these days in the qat saloons of southern Yemen focus on the discontent people feel with what they see as the failed attempt at unification of what used to be two distinct countries, Yemen and South Yemen. Taking the lead from other protesters across the Middle East, dissenters in southern Yemen have taken to… Continue Reading

ICRC Coordinating Food Aid in Northern Yemen

The governor of the northern Yemen province of Sa’adah met with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) this week to discuss the available options for increasing the amount of food aid to the area. Governor Taha Hajjer met on Tuesday with Klaus Spreyermann to explore the ways in which provisions… Continue Reading

Obama Intervenes to Keep Yemeni Journalist Jailed

Jailed Yemeni journalist Abdul-Elah Haidar Shaye was granted a pardon by President Ali Abdullah Saleh even before the recent anti-government demonstrations broke out in Yemen last week, but he had not yet been released. As part of concessions President Saleh made to the protestors was included the agreement to finally release Haidar Shaye. However this… Continue Reading