Tag Archives: Gaza

Gaza Building Boom Comes from Underground

There is a building boom taking place now in Gaza, despite the blockade Israel has imposed on the Strip since Hamas took power there. The boom is due in part to an intricate network of tunnels dug into the sandy soil reaching from Gaza, extending over the international border, and ending in Egypt. Israel Allows… Continue Reading

Wataniya Mobile to Launch 3G Service in Gaza Next Year

If all goes well, Wataniya Palestinian Mobile Telecommunications Public Shareholding Company, otherwise known as Wataniya Mobile, will launch its mobile phone service in Gaza next year. Wataniya is the second mobile telecom operator in the Palestinian territories, and is only waiting to get approval from Israel to use certain frequencies in order to launch its… Continue Reading

Life in Gaza One Year after Mavi Marmara

One year has passed since the Israeli raid by commandos on the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara, which left nine dead. The Mavi Marmara was part of a larger flotilla whose stated aim was to break the blockade on Gaza and bring desperately needed supplies, like medicine, school supplies and construction materials into the area. Gazan… Continue Reading

Abu Sisi Indicted in Beersheva Court for Rocket Attacks from Gaza

Dirar Abu Sisi the 42 year-old engineer who was arrested by Israel while traveling in the Ukraine, was indicted yesterday in an Israeli court for being a member of Hamas and for designing rockets for the Islamist group’s military branch. Indictment for Rocket Manufacture and Membership in Hamas The official summary of the court indictment,… Continue Reading