Tag Archives: Bahrain

Amazon Web Services Bringing Data Centers to Middle East

The Bahrain government inked a deal with the gargantuan on-line seller Amazon to build three giant data centers by the year 2019. The deal is with a subsidiary of Amazon, Amazon Web Services (AWB), which chose Bahrain to be the location of its first ever Middle East-located data centers. Amazon’s plan is to open a… Continue Reading

Yellow Cab Pizza Coming to Middle East Locations

Beginning in January, 2017, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman will be seeing a new restaurant chain within their borders. Over the next five years approximately 22 Yellow Cab Pizza restaurants will be established after a deal was forged between casual dining chain and owner of the Yellow Cab Pizza brand, Max’s Group Inc., and Silver Group.… Continue Reading

HSBC Planning Job Cuts in Six Middle Eastern Countries

Beginning of Major Lay-Off Plan The bank which calls itself “The World’s Local Bank,” HSBC, has decided to lay-off at least 200 employees in six countries in the Middle East. The job cut of 200 in the region is just the beginning of a major reduction in worldwide employees reaching as many as 30,000 cuts… Continue Reading

Bahrain’s Gulf Air Seeking New Routes

Gulf Air is now in the midst of a three year re-organizational plan which will hopefully not only make the Bahrain state-owned airline more profitable but also more desirable as an airline with many choice destinations to choose from. Bahrain Supports Expansion According to chairman Talal al-Zain Gulf Air is planning new routes to Europe… Continue Reading

World Bank Takes Optimistic View towards Mideast Upheaval

Long Term Positive Prospects The World Bank released a report on Tuesday saying that despite the short-term downward movement of Middle Eastern and Northern African economies, in the long run the world can expect to see positive movement in that region. The report is the World Bank’s regional economic update for May 2011 for the… Continue Reading

Military Trial of Bahraini Activist Khawaja Begins

Zainab al-Khawaja, the daughter of arrested Bahraini human rights activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, announced that her father was put on trial by a military court last Thursday. Khawaja was arrested along with his two sons-in-law earlier in April when the government began to crack-down harshly utilizing check-points within the city of Manama and in outlying Shi’ite… Continue Reading

Iran Protests Presence of Saudi Troops in Bahrain

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mahmanparast voiced his country’s displeasure with the arrival of 1,000 Saudi troops on the soil of the island nation of Bahrain on Monday. “The presence of foreign forces and interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs is unacceptable and will further complicate the issue,” the foreign minister stated during his weekly news… Continue Reading

Saudis Moving in Tanks to Protect Bahrain Government

The elephant of Saudi Arabia appears to have taken action to swat the fly on its back- Bahrain- by sending in an armada of 30 tanks to help strengthen the beleaguered Bahrain government. The Bahrain government has been subjected to two weeks of protests from demonstrators, with no end in sight, demanding the resignation of… Continue Reading

Bahrain Parliament Blocked by Protesters

As part of a larger plan to disrupt the Bahrain government from functioning and forcing the resignation of Prime Minister Khalifa Al Khalifa, protesters have blocked entrance to the parliament of Bahrain, forcing officials to cancel a meeting of the leader’s hand-picked envoys. This demonstration is just one of many gatherings at key political locations… Continue Reading