Depressed Mubarak Awaits Trial
The former president of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak is depressed. In addition, according to Egypt’s official news agency, the man is physically weak and refuses to eat any solid food. His depression is probably at least somewhat fueled by the fact that later this week he will be standing trial for ordering the killing of protesters and corruption. The then-president was overthrown six months ago in the uprising in which over 840 people were killed.
Mubarak is currently being detained in a hospital in Sharm al-Sheikh. According to an MENA agency report, the head of the place has confirmed his depression and that he has lost weight and is not consuming enough to keep him alive.
Manipulation not Depression?
It could be depression that Mubarak is suffering. Or, as critics have pointed out, it could also be manipulation. His critics have said that his refusal of food and weakening state is his way of avoid the upcoming trial. According to a BBC News Report, Mubarak’s doctors are going to have to make a decision very soon as to what to do with the man vis-à-vis his limited food intake. Mubarak has also been described as “an enfeebled old man” by Jon Leyne, BBC’s Cairo correspondent.